Classification by face appearanceSuperior, Standard, Natural
Release of formaldehydeE1, CARB 2 , NAUF
Gluing classClass 1, Class 2EN 314-2
SizesVarious sizes and thicknesses available on request
Dimensional tolerancesLength and width: +/-3,5 mm.
Thickness +(0,2+0,03t); -(0,4+0,03t).
Orthogonality: 1 mm/m
EN 315
Density500 kg/m3 +/- 10%EN 323
Thermal conductivity0,12 W/m KEN 12664
Residual moisture8 / 12%EN 322
Reaction to fireD-s2,d0 – Dfl-s1 (for thicknesses > 9 mm)EN 13501-1

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