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Xuzhou mega Industries Co.,Ltd

Marine Plywood (Special Use)

Marine Plywood (Special Use)Marine Plywood is a special type of Plywood that is designed to withstand water. It has flawless and beautiful surface while exhibiting exceptionally high...

Xuzhou mega Industries Co.,Ltd

Birch Plywood (Special Use)

Birch Plywood (Special Use)Birch Plywood is one of the best plywood available in the market in terms of its natural aesthetics and structural performance. Made from native Scandinavian...

Xuzhou mega Industries Co.,Ltd

Softwood Plywood Products

Softwood Plywood Products AccoyaCedar, Western RedCedar, Yellow (Alaskan)Fir, DouglasFSC LogoFSC Products Available Hemlock, WesternPine, Eastern WhitePine, Ponderosa