The Warmth and Beauty of Real Wood
Many factors determine the appearance and cost of decorative veneers used in MEGA hardwood plywood panels. Face and back veneers are available in a wide variety of species, colors, grades and other attributes. Being able to choose exactly the right combination to achieve the desired appearance is part of what makes hardwood plywood such a popular choice for designers, architects, craftsmen and other woodworking professionals.
Four Factors
When designing your custom States hardwood plywood panel, you can get as specific as you want about the characteristics of the veneers used on your project. There are four key attributes that determine the appearance and cost of the veneers for your decorative wood panel:
Wood Species
Primary determinant of color and grain
Veneer Cutting
Determines how the grain is presented
Veneer Matching
Arranging veneer leaves to create specific patterns
Indicates quality and natural variation
Wood Species
Wood species is the primary determinant of the color and grain structure of veneers. Generally, wood species are divided into hardwoods (deciduous or leaf bearing) and softwoods (coniferous or cone bearing). In addition, wood species are often classified as open grain or closed grain, which refers to the texture of the wood’s cell structure.
Veneer Cutting Methods