Plywood for laser cutting can be used in dry environment. This type of plywood has an improved structure, often is coated on both sides with melamine film or varnish.

Basic information about product

Plywood is composed from thin layers of wood veneer that are glued together with adjacent layers having their wood grain rotated up to 90 degrees to one another. The plywood has a special structure which allows laser cutting. Plywood surface might be coated on both sides with melamine film or varnish. This type of plywood is designed for usage in a dry environment.

Areas of usepackaging industypreparation of cutting diesfurniture industry
Raw materials used for productionhardwood (birch)interior glue based on urea-formaldehyde resintransparent varnishtransparent melamine film
Standard formats1550mmx1550/2250 mmother formats subject to prior agreement with the customer
Dimension toleranceaccording to PN-EN 315 or other, subject to prior agreement with the customer
GradesI, II, III
Technical characteristicsdensity: 600-750 [kg/m³]moisture content: 4-10 [%]bonding quality according to PN-EN 314-2 grade Iformaldehyde emission class: E1 according to PN-EN 636
Additional servicesCNC-maschining
cutting to smaller formats

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